Where to Begin?
Below is a list of questions that we are commonly asked by parents who want to explore or learn about child development. If you have additional questions you would like to see on this page, please contact us here.
If you are just curious and have concerns about your child, then all you have to do is look around at this website, the many others we link to, our library, and the many other resources you will run into along the way.
- I have concerns about how my child is developing. What do I do? Start here.
- I have gone to the pediatrician and he/she has told me that my child is just slow or a bit behind, and not to worry. Should I worry? Start here.
- What do I do to get a second opinion? My child has been evaluated by a professional but I want to ask more questions. Start here.
- My child needs and evaluation. Where and how do I start the process? Start here.
- Who do I contact to get an evaluation? Start here.
- What can I expect as to how the evaluation process will go? Start here.
- What are my rights as a parent who has a child with a disability or exceptionality? Visit here.
- What are my rights as a parent who has concerns about my child and wants a professional opinion or evaluation? Visit here.
- Are there things I can do at home to help my child develop normally or help my child who has a disorder or exceptionality? Start here.
There are also a number of places offering various forms of education online or in person. See: Alliance for Child & Family Health & Development, Merced College Community Services , Merced County Adult Education, or University of California Merced
General Discussion
If your discussion item concerns different specific conditions, you may want to place those remarks under our General Discussion page.
If your comment is better directed to us in the form of a nonpublic email, please see our “Contact Us” page.
Note: All H4MC blogs are public forums for a diverse readership. We hope that these blogs will open-up community discussion and build community support. The blogs are not monitored for content, although staff of the H4MC may occasionally participate. H4MC retains the right to remove comments deemed inappropriate. H4MC does not necessarily support the views expressed. Please respect the authors and readers and avoid posting comments directed at persons or that are culturally insensitive.